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雅思口语part 2:十一小长假该如何描述?

2019-10-08 10:22    |   来源:长春韦思国际英语学校

十一小长假,恁们是决定出去旅游看people mountain people sea,还是准备窝在家睡到自然醒、天天吃外卖呢?在雅思口语中,十一假期又该如何描述呢?今天,我们就结合这道最新的雅思口语话题“Describe an experience when you went out with your friends and had a good time.”今天就让我们一起来学习如何描述十一小长假吧!

Describe an experience when you went out with your friends and had a good time.

You should say:

Where you went

When you went out

What you did

And explain why you had a good time.


I would like to describe an experience on National Day with my friends. You know, I usually do not go out on National Day, because I know there will be crowds of people at tourist attractions, but on last National Holiday, we decided to go to Tian’anmen Square to see what it would look like exactly.

We arrived at the square to watch the ceremonial raising of the National Flag. When the ceremony started, the chattering of people faded away and the boots of soldiers who carried the flag began to resound on the square. They marched in such a uniform way that we were all deeply impressed by the solemn occasion. Then we heard the National Anthem being played and saw the flag raised. It was really worth our effort to come here all the way from home early in the morning. As the night fell, we went down to the square to watch the long-awaited fireworks display and wonderfully huge flower bed, which was decorated by colorful street lights. We surely had a great time on that day. 


1. ceremonial raising of National Flag 升旗仪式

2. chatter v./n. 喋喋不休

3. fade away 逐渐消失

4. boot n. 靴子

5. resound v. 回响

6. uniform adj. 一致的

7. long-awaited adj. 期待已久的


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